Considering Sedation Dentistry in South Riding VA?
A recent study found that nearly half the US population (48%) is unhappy with their teeth, but not Aunt Jane! She is so proud of her new smile. Every time you’ve seen her recently, all she’s talked about is her awesome new dentist near South Riding. “They did all of my dental work in one sitting,” she said. “I was asleep the whole time, and it didn’t hurt a bit! I’ll never be afraid to go to the dentist again.”
She conquered her fears, and you can too.
How? …thanks to sedation dentistry at the new Loudoun Dental Associates.
Aunt Jane highly recommended you give Loudoun Dental Associates a call to ask about sedation dentistry, and well, as for us? We think it might be perfect for you.
Sedation dentistry is designed specifically for patients who are otherwise nervous, anxious, or downright scared of a visit to the dentist. (Does this sound like you? You’re not alone; it’s estimated that as many at 15 percent of Americans are anxious about, or fearful of the dentist.) As your South Riding dentist, our primary goal is to keep your oral health in tip top shape, yes, but also to make you feel as comfortable and as safe in our office as possible.
So if you’ve ever found yourself afraid of a trip to the dentist, if you’re prone to panic attacks, or even if you simply find it difficult to sit in one place for long periods of time:
Consider sedation dentistry in South Riding VA.
How does sedation dentistry work?
The simplest explanation is this: Your South Riding dentist will administer medication to help you relax in the dental chair. The method is sometimes referred to as ‘sleep dentistry’, but this isn’t entirely accurate, because the patient is usually awake — but sedated — during the dental visit.
Sedation can be administered four ways:
- Oral sedation is employed most commonly in the practice of sedation dentistry, and will leave patients relaxed and drowsy, but aware. If your South Riding dentist deems it necessary, dosage levels can be increased to produce moderate sedation.
- Inhaled sedation involves nitrous gas combined with oxygen in a mask placed over the patient’s nose. Your dentist can control the amount of sedation you receive, and the gas tends to wear off quickly. (This is the only form of sedation where you may be able to drive yourself home.)
- A patient who undergoes intravenous sedation will receive sedative medication through an IV placed in his; he will often have no memory of the dental work done.
- Deep sedation will render the patient almost entirely unconscious.
Will I feel any pain?
No. That’s the biggest, and best reason to choose sedation dentistry at Loudoun Dental Associates. Most Loudoun Dental Associates patients feel no discomfort whatsoever during, and will experience only minimal pain in the days following.
Can sedation be used for cleanings and exams?
While sedation dentistry is used primarily for more extensive and complex dental work, it can be an option during your cleaning and/or exam if that would make you more comfortable.
Am I a good candidate for sedation dentistry in South Riding VA?
Not everyone is a good candidate for sedation. Before beginning any treatment, your South Riding dentist will review your medical history and discuss the sedation process at length to determine if you are a good candidate for sedation dentistry.
At Loudoun Dental Associates, we make every effort to ensure that your dental work — restorative or routine — is completed in the most comfortable manner possible, and in many cases, this means sedation dentistry.